Lília Mestre

Mount Tackle
Walking freely … through lots of stuff
Barely using spoken language, this piece enables multiple ‘readings’ of a situation. This openness, to some scary and uncomfortable, to others relieving and inspiring, invites to think whilst being immersed in stuff and junk (no garbage!). People can take literally their time and make themselves comfortable. There is no ideal spot, and therefore everybody is invited to try different perspectives; to walk around, scan and discover or just hang out. Both performers and public registrate, decipher and is tempted to interpret the surrounding landscape— both as onlooker and possible mobiliser of things.
by Heike Langsdorf | in co-creation with Lilia Mestre (performance matters, overall), David Helbich (acoustic matters), Ief Spincemaille (scenografic matters), Leila Boukhalfa (sewing queen) Michaël Janssens (assisting space and light), Anna Luyten (important talks & performance), Raquel Santana De Morais (drawings), Mathieu Hendrickx (Mount Tackle, the video), Kristof Van Baarle, Alex Arteaga (artistic dialogue), Christoph Ragg (all levels, from day one), Tiziana Penna (audience matters), Karlien Torfs, Wayaba Tokpwi, Dieudonné Zoko, Adil Mabchour (joining the process) | administrative shelter Krul vzw | co-production Kaaitheater, Buda, Vooruit, Vrijstaat O./De Werf, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek | support KASK – School of Arts / Ghent, de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Casco