Lília Mestre

Live in room
The living room is an intimate and personal place and at the same time the room in which we receive other (strangers) people. The “live-in room” is the everyday place for meetings, living, hearing, seeing and feeling.

Live-In Room is a pre-recorded sound scape, mixed and composed in real time by sound artist Els Viaene and Lilia Mestre. All the performances are original and unique since they are composed live, reacting to the presence of the audience in a re-created salon

The living room is an intimate and private place but also the space into which we invite the outsider(s), the one(s) we don’t know very well, the one(s) we welcome inside. We call it “Live-In Room” since we consider it to be an everyday place that privileges encounters and is therefore designed for listening, looking and being affected.

In addition to this, the soundscape can also be broadcast on the radio. The medium Radio is interesting because of its potential to transform spaces and bodies. The ‘non-place’ of radio due to its immateriality becomes an imaginary place everyone is invited to reconstruct.

Live-In Room is one of the results of the research project SENSE RADIO
You can listen to the broadcasts here: http://cba.fro.at/40179

Concept: Lilia Mestre
Created and performed: Lilia Mestre and Els Viaene
Voices: Davis Freeman, Michel Yang, Bernd Maier, Caroline Daish, Elke Van Campenhout, Pierre Rubio, Lilia Mestre Supported by Szene Salzburg. “Live-In Room” received a prize in Prix Jardin d’Europe.
Production: Mokum vzwThe performance and radio broadcast “Live-In Room” came out of the research project Sense Radio developed with Els Viaene, Elke Van Campenhout, Pierre Rubio and David Elchardus. Supported by: a.pass, Workspace Brussels, De Pianofabriek, Bains Connective and the Flemish Community.